Sunday, June 30, 2019

Leader Reflections- Hope Cupery

I wasn’t supposed to be on this trip. I’m not a regular youth leader in Friesland’s youth group. I never even attended Friesland’s youth group when I was younger. Sure, I have my connections to the group, but I came into being a leader on this team tentatively. I was afraid that I wouldn’t fit or that I would be in the way, but God, of course, knew exactly what He was doing. 

Throughout the past week, God has shown me so many amazing, beautiful things, and I wanted to share a few of them with you. I’ll even be nice and put them in a list. 

Things God showed me in the DR:

There is beauty in the waiting-
When I first was asked to come along on this trip, we were planning to serve in Haiti...last year. Everyone was crushed when we couldn’t go, but God brought so much beauty up from that waiting period. The year gave each of us time to grow and get to know each other better. I hate waiting... a lot, but I learned that if I’m in a season of waiting, there’s a reason. I learned to trust more in the perfect timing of our awesome God.

There is beauty in simplicity-
I love stuff. I love getting new stuff, doing stuff, and making stuff, but I never truly realized how often all of this “stuff” gets in the way. During our time of ministering to the people in Ascension, we often asked them what they like to do for fun. It helped break the ice and lighten the mood. I was amazed to hear each of them answer, “pray and read my Bible.” I fill up my life with so much stuff that I often forget to see the joy than can be found in Christ alone. Instead, I want to fill up my life with things that matter in the lens of eternity.

There is beauty in brokenness-
Over the past 8 days I have seen poverty, broken families, poor health and so much more. While defeat would likely be my chosen response if I was in their shoes, these people chose to find joy in Jesus. They found healing and redemption amidst hurt. We are never too broken to be mended by our Savior. He makes all things new, and I’m so thankful that I got a front row seat to that this week.

There is beauty in community-
I never knew the impact a pot full of rice and beans could make. Everyday for lunch, the women would spend the morning making us lunch and we would set up plastic chairs and break out the styrofoam plates and just fellowship. Despite the language barrier, we formed many relationships that will last a lifetime. Friendships within our team and with those we met in the Dominican were gained by visiting at lunch or working alongside each other throughout the rest of the day. Every kid that we saw we loved on deeply.  Our team experienced true community, and we can’t wait to bring some of that back with us to the States. 

Even though I started off on this trip a bit skeptical, God blew me away. He taught me to find beauty in this journey we call life, and I encourage you to do the same.

As always, thank you to everyone for your prayers and support. God changed hearts this week.


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