Thursday, June 20, 2019

First Full Day In The Dominican

Hello Everyone!

Thanks for reading our blog!  Today was the first full day our team was in the Dominican and it was a lot to take in.  This morning we headed out to our village that we were going to work in and do ministry.  Today and the rest of the work days for this trip we split into 3 groups with Derrick leading one, Candy leading one and Darrin leading the other.  Today, Friday, Monday and Tuesday we will post 3 different posts from all three groups as each group will be experiencing similar but different things.  Today and all the other days we get to our village, split into 3 groups to do different work projects, meet for lunch and then go out into the village to visit with people.  We then go back to our campus for dinner. Today Grace was not feeling well as she had been sick before coming on the trip. The travel day really wore her down so we made the decision to have her stay back at the campus and get some rest. Michelle stayed with her as well some Mission of Hoe staff. Even though Grace has to stay back, her and Michelle saw God at work in conversations they had with Mission of Hope Staff. When we got back from our work day, Grace was already looking much better and we hope that after another good night’s rest, all of us will be back out serving in the community. 
 After dinner we all debriefed the day together and prayed for each other.  We will do this every day. Then after that we have free time where we hang out together.  Some play cards, some talk and some just hang out.  Whatever we are doing though we are doing it together.  It is really great! We also have a pool to cool off in after a hard day.  It is a great perk!  Today we played Marco Polo for a good amount of time.  We are really starting to bond as a team and we are excited for what God is going to do the rest of the week.  Below is some of the pictures of our group time together.  

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