Monday, June 24, 2019

Day 5 Team 2-Sami Ford

Today was an absolutely incredible day. It definitely felt the most productive out of all of them so far. In the morning my group got to work on a house ripping up the floors and help making lunch with Rosa for everyone. Lunch, as always was very delicious. We got to build closer relationships with many of the locals that we already met and many of us got our hair braided by Diana. 

Later in the afternoon our group got to play with a lot of the kids. Some played basketball and others, including me learned games from the younger kids. Then we got to go up to the mountain campus for a couple hours to buy gifts from their shop, that provides jobs for locals (one who was also one of our translators; John) and get to know others more. To be totally honest, I also went on social media for the first time this trip to talk to my friends on the free WiFi. The days have flown by so fast and I can’t believe it’s already day five. I’m really disappointed that we have to go home on Wednesday. I am so glad that I had the opportunity to go on this trip and that God had his own plan for everything. I realized today just how much God has watched over us this whole trip, 


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