Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Day 6 Afternoon/Evening- Noah Cupery

This afternoon we went back to the village of Asscention. At ascension we were able to connect with the kids and some of us were even able to reconnect with kids that we had met earlier in the trip. While some of the boys went and played basketball, others played soccer with them, blew bubbles, or simply were an ear to the kids as they talked about their lives. Towards the end of the afternoon, we had the chance too visit local shops to purchase bracelets, necklaces, and fun items to to bring home. As we wrapped up the afternoon we gathered and prayed for Pastor Francesca and her husband and thanked them for how much they impacted us. After that, we said our goodbyes, though tough, only 95% of us cried. Towards the evening, we shared our highs and lows of the day and the trip. As we closed the evening, we gathered and prayed for our precious interns. Today was a tough day for almost all of us. As we had to say goodbye to friends that we have cultivated for the past week, say goodbye to kids we connected with, and as we drove away and saw the village slowly disappear in the distance. We are sad but we have a peace knowing that God has a watchful eye over them.
Tonight we had a all campus debrief and talked about all our group's weeks.  We then had our daily debrief of highs and lows.  Our Interns, Morgan and Kevin, joined us.  We ended our time by laying hands on them and praying for them before we got to have free time.
Overall this week has been a blessing to our group. We have grown closer together, grow spiritually, and grown as kids. Please pray for the people of the Dominican Republic. Now to Him who is able. Amen


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