Sunday, June 23, 2019

Day 4 Church Day- Devon DeYoung

Our team started off the day with a church service at the mountain campus.  The message was given by Paster Jodi, a paster who had grown up in Mississippi and moved to the Dominican Republic after meeting his wife here.  We had a breathtaking view of the mountains in the background of the roof during worship and the sermon.  

After the mountain campus, we rode a bus (pic of Derrick and our driver) an hour and a half to Santiago to another MOH campus. There we had a relaxing and fun afternoon. Some of the highlights included playing volleyball, bags, more cards, talking with team members and bonding, and of course (with the help of many) being able to get into an upper hammock.  In Santiago, we also had the privilege of having more worship time with a band of staff and local Dominicans.  The band was incredible and the experience of being surrounded by 3 different campuses of people and staff singing in both English and Creole was powerful.  MOH leaders also gave insight into their plans for the future and how we can continue to be part of the team from home. 

In the Dominican Republic I have learned many things.  There are a few things that really stand out to me. One  was something that Derrick said on how we have seen many beautiful views over this week and how we can clearly see God’s beautiful creation in these views, but we don’t always realize this at home with the green grass and being able to grow crops.  Another is the power of communication.  We have formed a lot of bonds this week with each other, translators, children, local Dominicans, interns, and so many more.  The conversations we have had will have more of an impact on me, and hopefully the others, than any of the physical work we have done in this one week. 


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