Friday, June 21, 2019

Day 2 Team 1-Carter Beaulieu

Today was the second full work day in the local village. Emily has introduced you to the store front project our team has been working on. We were also able to continue erecting one more wall. In the morning I was assigned to be the job site manager watching Derrick, Kobe, and Noah repair a roof, build the storefront wall, and finish the concrete wall in the bathroom. I was job site manager because I had one of the local children as a helper. Robér and I hung out all day! Just before lunch, our team gathered in the church and danced to Christian music each holding onto one of the children from the village. My morning with Robér ended at lunch as we went our separate ways. He had found a new friend (Camber) and our team had joined up with the others (including Grace and Candy!!!) at the local basketball court. Many children noticed the commotion created by us and joined in. Some us on the team played 5-on-5 basketball with translators and MOH interns while others played with children, teaching them simple hand games. Rock, paper, scissors and different secret handshakes were the kids' favorites. We are looking forward to continuing the same activities on Monday and Tuesday, but to also enjoy our off day tomorrow.

I felt blessed to be given the opportunity to bring so much joy to this little boy's life, along with many others throughout this trip. It seems at times we are not providing enough help, but it was reassuring to some of us to be told by the locals how much our presence helps and encourages their village. Tonight we prayed to continue working even harder on Monday and Tuesday and to help spread God's word to all here. Thank you for your prayers of safety and God's hand in the lives touched by this trip. Thank you to everyone who helped our team come to this blessed, joyful country!


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