Thursday, June 20, 2019

Day 1 Team 1 Emily Ford

Thursday was a work day so we went out to a village. We were assigned in smaller groups to split off and help with smaller projects. Derrick’s group had Devon, Carter, Noah, and Emily. We were helping a group of guys build a cement wall with bricks. Everything started out slow and it was getting frustrating because we all wanted to do something. Once a guy came, we started mixing cement and things were still slow. Derrick tried to help with the wall but there was a language barrier so we watched them start to see how it was done. The boys eventually started working on the wall.
Pastor Francesca invited us to her house for lunch and made rice, beans, chicken, and salad. We brought chairs from her church and ate in the street.
After lunch we went to houses for strategic mission time. That is where we go to houses and see how they live to collect information for Mission of Hope. We went to three houses and the house of our translator. The second house we went to, one son had been in a motorcycle accident and had multiple fractures in his skull and eye socket. That accident brought the man to God and he prays for him to help heal him.
Today was a good day even if we were dripping in sweat and speechless by the huge culture shock. At the end of the day, we are all wore out by are satisfied with what has happened throughout the day. It was a great day overall and we are all ready to shower and go to bed.

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