Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Day 6 Morning-McKenna Murphy

Today we returned to the house I worked at the first day.  It looked much different than it did before which was encouraging. A whole room in the house had been torn down! Our job today was to tear apart the foundation and floor so they can rebuild a new house with future teams. This required shoveling lots of dirt and many bucket brigades to clear everything out.  Though the labor part wasn’t that fun, it was exciting to meet all of the locals working on the project and form relationships with them.  Pastor Francisca, her husband, and the members of her church have been so opening and inviting to us.  Everyday she and Rosa have prepared us lunch and today we had opportunity to help prepare it again. To prepare the rice we had to pluck out any wood slivers. After this, we soaked the rice and “squished it” clean.  After this, Rosa mixed it in with the beans she had already made.  We also got to boil the noodles for spaghetti and put chicken (including the feet) into a pot.  Passion fruit juice was made for us to drink and it was delicious! The people of Ascensión’s kindness and openness to us has been overwhelming.  Seeing people so on fire for the Lord has been truly inspiring and I hope to be as bold in my faith returning back home in my community.


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