Monday, June 24, 2019

Day 5 Team 3- Noah Cupery

Today we had the opportunity to visit the villages once again for SMT(Strategic Mission Time.) As we walked through the village we stopped at our first house. We met a woman named Marta. Marta told us about how she loved being a teacher but didn’t hesitate to tell us that everyone of her students were trouble makers. She went on to tell us that summer break couldn’t be long enough but she assured us that being a teacher was one of the biggest blessings of her life. To close our time together, we gathered in our circle and prayed for Marta and her family. 

As we continued our day we stopped at our second house and met a man named Antwan. Antwan shared with us that he didn’t have a job and that he would love prayer for that. He also shared with us that he has never ceased praying to God in the good and in the bad times. I assured Antwan in my prayer that God would remain faithful to his family whether he found a job or not. 

As we finished up our morning, we stopped at our translator, Ronnie’s house. We were blessed with time to get to know his brothers, ask them about life and about their futures. We laughed as they talked about play wrestling with each other. And how the younger brother usually wins. We wrapped up our time thanking Ronny for his faithfulness to Mission of Hope. We had a blessed morning. I believe that God is working in these folk’s hearts. We ask you all to join us as we pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ in the Dominican. We know that God is able but even if He say not yet, not yet to a solution to poverty, not yet to a solution to water and food for kids, or not yet to a solution to every problem, we will still remain faithful. Now to Him is able, amen.

Rony (our translator) and Noah 

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