Thursday, June 20, 2019

Day 1 Team 3 Myjah Drews

Today was our second day in the Dominican Republic and the first full day. It was full of forming new friendships and learning about another culture. The first part consisted of taking a bus ride to the village, Ascension. It was there that we began our mission work. After making our work groups, we said a prayer and headed off to our work sites. My group consisted of Pastor Darrin, Hope Cupery, Jessica Bahr, and myself. Our job was to dig holes for sticks that would serve as supports for an extended roof. It was difficult, hot and time consuming but in the end, I believed it to be fun. In one day, we finished digging 3 holes and got a good start at another couple. After completing the work for the day, we ate a home cooked meal by the community’s  pastor. They cooked rice and chicken for us and gave us fresh pineapple juice. It was fantastic!
After lunch we did our SMT, strategic mission time, where we went to people’s houses and asked them about their culture and relationship with Christ. Everyone we visited had already been following Jesus and loved reading their bibles. In fact, everyone we met with stated that in their free time their favorite thing to do is read their bibles. For me, that was something that really stuck out. Other things that were prominent were: the garbage littered everywhere, how dark the insides of the houses were, the starving stray animals, the condition of just about everything, and especially how happy many people seemed even though they lived in poverty compared to most Americans. That was inspirational for me and that’s when I realized that I was going to get a lot more out of this trip than just sharing the gospel.


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