Thursday, June 20, 2019

Day 1 Team 2 McKenna Murphy

Our group consists of Candy, Kobe, Samantha, Camber, and I.  For our work, we went to a house further away from the church to dig a trench for a walk way for a family.  We also had a translator named Ronny and an intern from MOH named Morgan.  When we got to the house the women who lived there, immediately offered us fresh mangoes and pineapple.  They were so delicious!  Though we were only at this house for less than an hour a lot of work was completed! We’re excited to be able to go back tomorrow and help some more!  Our trip to their house we had the opportunity to see more of the country and farms.   During our strategic mission time we had a new translator named Oliver and the local pastor Francisca joined us.  We had the opportunity to go to three different houses throughout the village.  The first house we went to they were already believers but it was reassuring to hear all that God has done in their lives.  The second house was also of a believer.  She was a mother of four kids in between the ages of 2 months and 15.  Some of us had the opportunity to hold her baby and she was so precious!  The mother was also encouraging and said some extremely empowering things!  One thing that she said that really stuck with me was that she used to have a lot more and felt like she had nothing, but now she has a lot less and with Christ, feels like she has a lot more. This statement was extremely convicting to me because I have so much and often want even more, when I have all that I need through Christ who has saved me. The final house we went to was of a woman who was questioning her faith in Jesus.  It was good to tell her that even in her times of questioning God never stops loving her.  Overall, our group had a great time and excited to share more of God’s love to these people!


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