Friday, June 21, 2019

Day 2 Team 2- Grace Ford

Today I was able to go out into the village because yesterday I had to stay back and rest as I was not feeling well since coming home from camp. I joined Darrin, Emily, Michelle, and our intern Morgan to do strategic mission time. We talked with a mom named Jocelyn who has 4 kids and 2 grandkids. She said she was a Christian and her biggest challenge in her life right now is the church. The church that her family attends has spilt. Her husband wants to attend one church and she wants to attend the other church. She asked us to pray for her and wisdom in making a decision in what church to attend. 

When we asked her what her favorite verse was and she said it was Daniel 3:17 “If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to deliver us from it, and he will deliver us from Your Majesty’s hand.” This is her favorite verse because when she dreams she feels like there are demons coming after her. This verse brings comfort because she knows that God is going to deliver her no matter what her circumstance. It was fascinating to see how much she depends on the Lord. 

When we asked her about her family she said her son had a problem with his mind. He argues with everyone and does not want to go to school. She says a lot of the time she does not know where he is. He will skip school and go to other places. She asked for us to pray for him also. We also asked her if she does anything in her free time. She said she is always taking care of her kids so she has no free time. It was sad to hear she has no time for herself, but the love she has for her kids is incredible. 

It was crazy that down here in the Dominican just like the American church, we struggle to stay together and as leaders split the churches, it negatively affects so many people.  

It was really neat that this lady was able to cling to what God has done for people in the Bible and relate that to her own experiences.  Even though the church life is hard and her family and dreams are feeling like they are in trouble, she clings to this versos and what God did in the past to help hear in the present.  

The high of my day was being able to be with the kids and seeing the joy in their eyes as we played with them.  I was really excited that I was able to be out in the village. 


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