Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Day 7 Travel Day Home (We Think)

Today started out with lots of tears.  We first said goodbye to our interns at 10:30 this morning when we left our Beacher Campus.  We then went to the airport to get all settled and upon arrival we saw some of our translators there waiting to say goodbye to us.  It was another sad and heartfelt moment before we got all our bags checked in and boarding our flight back to the states.  Many of the students shed a lot of tears saying goodbye to people we didn't even know a week ago.  It is amazing how God can knit people together in such a short amount of time.

We said good bye to the Dominican Republic and headed back to the United States with our first stop being Miami.  When we landed everything went smooth except McKenna had to go in a separate line because they flagged her passport.  The main group went through while Darrin and Michelle waited for McKenna.  McKenna kept us updated on her progress through the line and got through with no problems.  We then boarded our plane to Chicago or so we thought.  We did take off and because of bad weather, we were forced to divert to Indianapolis to refuel and wait for the storms to clear Chicago.  Currently at 10:44 PM EST we are sitting at the end of the runway waiting for air traffic to thin out so we can finally get to our destination.  We are all tired and ready to get home to see our families and sleep in our own beds but God has other plans at the moment.  Hopefully we will take off soon and be able to complete our final leg of flying.  Our bus driver has kept in contact with us and we know that when we land he will be waiting to pick us up to take us home to Friesland.
We can't wait to share about all that God has done on this trip with all of you in person. We will be having a time of sharing this Sunday during our morning worship service at First Reformed Friesland.  Come on out at 10:am if you would like to hear more.

Thank you all for your prayers.

P.S.  Our leaders will be posting their blogs in the next couple days sharing their thoughts on the trip.

In Christ
Sonlife Mission Team

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