Monday, July 1, 2019

Leader Reflections- Michelle Brandsma

Dominican Republic 

What a week! As a school employee and a small group leader at Sonlife, I get to spend time with some of these great teens every week during the school year, but this week was different. I got to share some great highs and lows and make memories that will last a lifetime with all of them. It was awesome to see how this group quickly became family. We laughed, cried, sweat and sang together all week!
We started each day with breakfast and a short time to talk and get to know each other better and a prayer for all the activities of the day. Most days we did construction projects or strategic mission time and played with the children in the Village of Ascension. Our group fell in love with the village and everyone that lives there. Seeing the village children come running and the smiles on the faces of the people we were helping every time we arrived made our kids want to work harder at all the projects we did. We ended each night with dinner together and a time of sharing our highs and lows of that day and praying for each other and our village. There is something so phenomenal about teenagers being truly present and engaged in something so much bigger than them and praying about wanting to do more for the children, more for the church and more for the village. Many of us are hopeful that God’s plan for us will bring us back to the Dominican Republic and back to Ascension, but for now we pray for all of our new friends and trust God’s perfect timing.
